Senior Women Web
If You're Looking For A Link To the Mueller Report, Look No Further
Editor's Note:
We're not downloading the entire Mueller report, but here is the Justice Department URL to read the report at:
Report On the Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Election, Vol I and II; Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller, III
Mueller received the following military awards and decorations:
Book Review: The Education of a Black Radical: A Southern Civil Rights Activist’s Journey 1959-1964
Jo Freeman writes: Colleges and universities were a major source of civil rights activists in the Sixties. Whether black or white, as long as they did their activism after leaving school, they were heralded as heroes. But if they were active while still students, even off-campus, they were troublemakers. This was particularly true for state supported schools. Legislators often wanted the schools they funded to keep their students off the streets. When campus administrators couldn’t control student activists, someone suffered. more »
Palin vs. Gore Climate Showdown
From "On Dec. 9, an op-ed by Sarah Palin on climate change ran in the Washington Post. Al Gore responded to Palin’s piece and made some fresh claims of his own later that day in an interview with MSNBC. We find that both engaged in some distortions and have been rightly called out by experts in the field." more »
Shopping Green for Gifts
We thought the jewelry at the Inhabitat shop very good looking especially the Swedish pieces made by Kumvana Gomani: Snö leaf earrings are made in Sweden delicately handcut from recycled soda and water bottles and like a true snowflake, no two are exactly alike ... for $20. more »
Teens and Sexting, One of a New Series of Pew Reports
A new survey from the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project found that 4% of cell-owning teens ages 12-17 say they have sent sexually suggestive nude or nearly nude images or videos of themselves to someone else via text messaging, a practice also known as “sexting”; 15% say they have received such images of someone they know via text message. more »