Toys at Our House: Shopping for Visiting Children
We keep lots of puzzles for grandchildren, things that can be picked up and played with quickly, hopefully to desired conclusions. Some are absolutely classic, some new, but all engage fingers and eyes, puzzles to intrigue and keep a child or an adult absorbed. Here are some to be considered for the holidays and birthdays:
X-Ball. "Designed by Roger von Oech as a companion product to the award- winning Ball of WhacksR, the innovative X-Ball presents a playful new way to stimulate creativity. 30 magnetic Xs click together to form an icosidodecahedron. The uniquely angled geometry of the X-shaped pieces allows users to invent their own shapes and designs. X-Ball pieces can also be used with the Ball of Whacks pieces."
Hoberman Switch Pitch: We picked this up at San Francisco's Exploratorium recently and grandchildren as well as adults can't resist picking it up and throwing into the air. A teacher's source site explains its applications in this way: "A beautiful lesson in activation energy. Point out the activated complex. Show the difference between translational and rotational energy. Use to demonstrate the activation energy needed for a reaction when two particles collide. Relate to the Arrhenius equation: k=Ae-Ea/RT. Demonstrate isomerization."
The Marie Curie Glow in the Dark Bobblehead has been designed as part of the series 'Pioneers of Science' in recognition of her contribution to society. She discovered Polonium and Radium, isolated radioactive isotopes, came up with the Theory of Radioactivity, and was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize.
Cyclone Puzzle. Not for children under three, it's a puzzle that you take apart and then rebuild. The Lagoon Group's site, http://www.give-me-a-clue. com can help you out. We've seen one of granddaughters do it quickly after observing the construction.
Then there's the colorful HaPe Bamboo Prism Puzzle Wooden Mosaic Set. We can't resist having it in our living room just as a decorative object. Who could? Canadian toy maker HaPe is perfect for creative kids of all ages. Their new Totter Tower, again for children under three, helps children gain a sense of geometry,spatial awareness as well as improving hand-eye coordination.
And we end with the most classic of all puzzles: We first saw these rolling ball puzzles in England but they're a US firm called Their BB puzzles center on figures such as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, artists Fragonard, Seurat and Vermeer. This year they're featuring American Presidents including Clinton, Obama and FDR. Eleanor has her own puzzle, too, as well as aviatrix Amelia Earhart. Other categories are American collector stamps and a number of dog and cat breeds.
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