Underwater on a Hunt For History of the Roman Empire
"There is a lot of theoretical work on the maritime economy of the Roman Empire, but I am interested in the close details of sea travel and how archeological finds can shed light on the history of consumption and connectivity around the Mediterranean," says Justin Leidwanger, a maritime archeologist.
Stanford scholar Justin Leidwanger spends a lot of time underwater.
An assistant professor of classics,… more »
Modern Nature: Georgia O’Keeffe and Lake George, The Spirit of Place
"I wish you could see the place here — there is something so perfect about the mountains and the lake and the trees — Sometimes I want to tear it all to pieces — it seems so perfect." The exhibit includes magnified botanical compositions of the flowers and vegetables that O’Keeffe grew in her garden at Lake George and still lifes of the apples that she picked on the Steiglitz property. more »
One Swedish Solution to the Pay Gap: Be a Man
Sweden is considered one of the most equal countries in the world. However, the gap between men and women’s salaries has hardly changed at all for the past thirty years. At the current pace, it will take more than a century to reach equal pay. To protest against this, Annelie Nordström, President of Sweden’s largest trade union Kommunal, temporarily became a man. more »
My Post-Bucket List
Rose Madeline Mula writes: I'm converting it to a post-bucket list; that is, things I plan to do the next time around. First, learn to swim. I'm sure my innards are permanently bleached from swallowing a gazillion gallons of chlorine-laced pool water over a lifetime of trying to learn to stay afloat. I would also like to ski. On real skis next time and not just wooden slats with tipped up ends and leather straps that fit over my old galoshes. But I won't be here in the winter because I'll be visiting my villa in Capri, or my retreat in Maui. more »