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Study: Natural hazards Compound Covid-19 Impacts Disproportionately on Businesses Run by Minorities, Women and Vets
A report published in October 2020, offered an overview of the responses, but the authors of the new study sought to gain deeper insight into the role that specific factors played in determining a business’s resilience during the pandemic. "The team’s findings are based on responses from more than 1,350 businesses to a survey NIST and NOAA distributed from July to August in 2020. A third of those returning surveys were from underrepresented groups. "It is critical that we understand how climate events amplify existing social and economic vulnerabilities,” said Ariela Zycherman, a co-author of the paper in NOAA’s Climate Program Office. more »
Ferida Wolff's Backyard: Squirrel On Ice
Ferida Wolff Writes: I know it’s winter and it’s not unexpected but I realize that our outdoor critters are not as lucky as we are to have a warm place to shelter in. I hope that Mother Nature will be kind and help all her critters, even us, have a healthy winter. But we aren’t the only ones affected by the cold weather. Today a squirrel was trying to get a drink on the birdbath but the water was frozen over. (Adding a birdbath to your yard is the easiest way to provide drinking and bathing water for birds.) more »
Ferida's Wolff's Backyard: Yellow Bird and New Growth
Ferida Wolff writes: I wondered where it came from. Did it escape from a cage in someone’s house? Was it a wild variation that flew in from somewhere else? I thought that I might offer it some food and shelter in case it was a loose house bird and unused to being outside but as soon as I took a tiny step forward, it yelled at me in bird talk and flew off. I watched for it later that afternoon and the next day, hoping that if it had been a needy house bird it would find its way back for shelter. But I didn’t see it again. I kept seeing what I thought was a dead tree on my walks through my community. The trunk and upper branches were severely cut and mostly bare. I wondered how long it would be before it would have to come done. I hope that it continues to flourish and show the world its power and beauty. And I wish the same for the rest of us, too. more »
Ferida Wolff's Backyard: A Colorful Spring and Delicious Herbs
Ferida Wolff writes: "I tend to talk to my herbs as I water them. I compliment them on how big they’re getting and nuzzle them so that I get whiffs of their delicious scents. It reminds me of the time my friend tried an experiment with two of the same plants. One plant she spoke to daily and smiled at as she passed it during the day. The other she merely watered but didn’t try to connect with. The spoken to plant thrived while its twin barely survived. I think all living things interact through energy. When we offer positive energy, whether to plants or people, we encourage connection. And that stimulates growth and our relationship to all around us. It opens a door to the broader sense of life and helps us to feel how important our input is in our world." more »