Shop for Garden
Ferida Wolff Writes: Our Senses
"I am delighted by the gentle feel of the buds on the plants starting to open their flowers. And I can almost taste the mint that grows automatically in my tiny vegetable garden. But I discovered that we might have more senses than we know. We are attuned to our world in many ways. We interact even when we aren’t aware that we’re doing it. Perhaps if we understand that we are connected with everything, we will be more careful with how we live." more »
A Berkeley Study: With Rapidly Increasing Heat and Drought, Can Plants Adapt?
"An intensive study of a group of plants that first invaded emerging deserts millions of years ago concludes that these pioneers — rock daisies — did not come unequipped to deal with heat, scorching sun and lack of water. They had developed adaptations to such stresses while living on dry, exposed rock outcroppings within older, more moist areas and even tropical forests, all of which made it easier for them to invade expanding arid areas." more »
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Seeks Public Feedback On How the Consumer Credit Market is Functioning
The CFPB is interested in hearing about people’s overall experiences with credit card products. In particular, the request is seeking information on: Terms of credit card agreements and the practices of credit card issuers; Effectiveness of disclosure of terms, fees, and other expenses of credit card plans; Adequacy of protections against unfair or deceptive acts or practices relating to credit card plans; Cost and availability of consumer credit cards; Safety and soundness of credit card issuers; Use of risk-based pricing for consumer credit cards; Consumer credit card product innovation more »
The Biden-Harris Administration is Taking Action on Junk Fees that Hurt Americans’ Pocketbooks and the Economy
"Academic research and agency experience suggest the following fees and fee practices fall within this category: Mandatory fees that often hide the full price. Some sellers publish a low price and then add mandatory fees later, at the “back-end” of the buying process or when a consumer tries to terminate the service... As the research shows, by hiding the full price, this practice can lead consumers to pay more than they would otherwise, and it also makes it hard for consumers to comparison shop... An example is the “service fees” added to the cost of a ticket to a concert or sporting event. more »