Reissuing Ferida's Wolff's Backyard: Home Farm Produce; Hibiscus Beauty and Wouldn't That Be Peachy?
I know I complain about the squirrels eating everything we plant, the reason we constructed a screened-in vegetable garden, but in truth, I like them. They are inventive and extremely smart. They help me remember that 'different' is only an adjective, it does not mean inferior. And different is how we all are, from other life forms and from each other. If only we can learn to appreciate the value of differences within all of life, perhaps we would not be so quick to do harmful things to each other. more »
Going Forth On the Fourth After Strict Blackout Conditions and Requisitioned Gunpowder Had Been the Law
Julia Sneden wrote: My father told me about the Fourth of July that took place in 1910, when he was 4 years old. He grew up on his grandfather’s prune ranch, in thrall to a slew of young aunts and uncles. Each Fourth, the uncles staged a display of fireworks for the family and the working crews (and their families) that lived on or near the ranch. The uncles would fire their pyrotechnics from a metal, flatbed wagon which was, perhaps, normally used as a drying bed for the prunes when they were harvested. One year, someone or something caused the wagon to up-end just as the display was lit, and instead of shooting up, the fountains shot straight at the crowd standing by the barn. more »
Ferida Wolff's Backyard: Nature's Progression and A Robin's Beautiful Eggs
We are greeted by the most amazing azalea bushes in our front yard! Big puffs of pink remind us of the beauty of Spring. The warmer weather is not just about the brilliance of a flowering bush. I get yelled at each time I pass by the Smoke Tree in our backyard. The yeller is a robin trying to get me away from her nest and the four beautiful blue eggs inside. She, or he because both male and female robins are very protective of the nest, zooms out of the Smoke Tree and onto an extended peach tree branch, all the while watching me with intense eyes. When I move out of the immediate nest area, the robin flies back to the nest, no doubt content that the immediate danger has passed. I understand her/his need to protect the potential babies. more »
Ferida Wolff's Backyard: Flowering Plum and Vincent Van Gogh
Ferida Wolff writes: "So much is happening in the world today that a simple gift of nature like this is much appreciated. The delicate pink flowers remind me of how life flutters on, how it shifts from beautiful to decimated and hopefully back again to a space that offers us a chance to take a deep breath, to experience joy and to share our awareness of life's flowering with those around us." more »