Tags: politics
If You're Looking For A Link To the Mueller Report, Look No Further
Editor's Note:
We're not downloading the entire Mueller report, but here is the Justice Department URL to read the report at:
Report On the Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Election, Vol I and II; Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller, III
Mueller received the following military awards and decorations:
Jo Freeman Writes: Kennedy vs. Trump at the Libertarian National Convention
"Despite an unappealing raspy voice, (Robert F.) Kennedy made an appealing speech to libertarians. He had clearly identified those issues on which he and libertarians agreed, without saying that he was a libertarian. He also said he would go after both Trump and Biden, but spent 90 percent of his time going after Trump. He worked his way through the Constitution, starting with the first ten amendments, aka the Bill of Rights, interpreting each in libertarian language, while identifying Trump actions to the contrary. For this, Kennedy mostly got applause. There was one “Free Palestine” shout from the audience, but that was pretty much it." more »
Selective Exposure and Partisan Echo Chambers in Television News Consumption: Innovative Use of Data Yields Unprecedented Insights
“Concerns about partisan media’s potential to polarize the public cannot be easily dismissed,” researchers and authors Broockman and Kalla conclude in this new study. The research underscores “the need for policymakers and civil society leaders to continue to consider how the influence of partisan media on public opinion might be countered as part of a broader suite of potential interventions to strengthen American democracy.” more »
Jo Freeman Reviews Thank You For Your Servitude: Donald Trump's Washington and the Price of Submission
Jo Freeman Reviews: "The ones who bowed the furthest and fastest were the ones who wanted most to see and be seen with Trump; to call and be called, to hear their names in the media coupled with his. The fact that the masses loved DJT didn’t make it any easier for those who wanted his approval to hold onto a modicum of self-respect. Disagreement with Trump would lead to disparagement, and that could lead to defeat. That’s why so many Republican MCs decided it was time to retire. Two years after Trump took office, almost half of House Republicans were gone or going. A lot, but not all, were defeated in the 2018 election. By then most of Trump’s initial appointments were also gone. Sycophancy was insufficient for survival." more »
Journalist's Resource: Religious Exemptions and Required Vaccines; Examining the Research
"How often do students and employees claim vaccine mandates conflict with their religious beliefs? What are schools doing to discourage exemptions to required childhood vaccines? Even as national surveys show Americans drawing away from religion, a growing share of American children have sought religious exemptions to required school vaccinations. Even before some California school districts ordered students in certain age groups to get immunized against COVID-19, research showed the percentage of kindergarteners whose parents claim vaccines conflict with their religious beliefs was on the rise." more »