Senior Women Web
If You're Looking For A Link To the Mueller Report, Look No Further
Editor's Note:
We're not downloading the entire Mueller report, but here is the Justice Department URL to read the report at:
Report On the Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Election, Vol I and II; Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller, III
Mueller received the following military awards and decorations:
How Many Distracting Systems Needed While Driving? Try Dialing, Changing Music or Sending a Text Using Voice Commands
"The massive increase in voice-activated technologies in cars and phones represents a growing safety problem for drivers," said Marshall Doney, AAA's President and CEO. "We are concerned that these new systems may invite driver distraction, even as overwhelming scientific evidence concludes that hands-free is not risk free." more »
The Bored of Education: Lessons From a Lifetime in the Classroom
Julia Sneden wrote, "I suspect that being on a School Board is rather a thankless job. One must deal with many dry facts and knotty problems, so one almost never encounters the joy that ought to be at the heart of education. I don't doubt that such boards are trying to keep an eye on what they perceive as appropriate education for our children. It seems to me, however, that the important question is whether or not they are qualified to make that judgment." more »
After 55: Changing to Every Other Year for Mammograms
"Since we last wrote a breast cancer screening guideline, there have been the publication of quite a number of new studies that inform us about the benefits and drawbacks of screening with mammography, so the American Cancer Society commissioned a detailed evidence review by an external expert group to review all of this new data which was then presented to our American Cancer Society guideline committee," said Dr. Richard Wender, Society's Chief Cancer Control Officer. "That committee then considered all of this evidence over a period of months, did the very difficult job of balancing the benefits and harms, and that's what led to the change in the guidelines that we're publishing now." more »
Has Hillary An Eye On a Rival? Wonder Woman and Friends Take New York
A drawing of Wonder Woman in an early version of her patriotic costume by H.G. Peter (ca. 1941) is shown alongside a "Wonder Woman for President" issue (No. 7, Winter 1943). Two of Steve Ditko’s original drawings of Spider-Man’s first appearance in Amazing Fantasy are displayed. During World War II, many superhero stories channeled American concerns about the conflict. more »