Senior Women Web
If You're Looking For A Link To the Mueller Report, Look No Further
Editor's Note:
We're not downloading the entire Mueller report, but here is the Justice Department URL to read the report at:
Report On the Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Election, Vol I and II; Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller, III
Mueller received the following military awards and decorations:
Why Trump Would Almost Certainly Be Violating the Constitution If He Continues to Own His Businesses
The Emoluments Clause appears in Article I, Section 9 of the Constitution. It bars any "person holding any office of profit or trust under" the United States from accepting any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign state” "without the consent of the Congress." The word "emolument" comes from the Latin emolumentum, meaning profit or gain. more »
Hubert de Givenchy and Muse, Audrey Hepburn
'To be back in Holland is always an important moment for me and especially in order to present the exhibition 'To Audrey with Love', an emotional tribute to Audrey Hepburn in her native country and in the great Gemeentemuseum. I am convinced that Audrey would have been very proud and happy with this beautiful project of exhibition. We love you Audrey.' — Hubert de Givenchy more »
Congressional Actions: Sexual Harassment & Gender Discrimination at Agriculture Department; Considering the 21st Cent.Cures Act
On December 1, the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform held a hearing entitled “Examining Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).” The hearing is in response to widespread media coverage and reporting of sexual harassment of female employees at the Forest Service. One of the witnesses, Ms. Denise Rice, testified in her capacity as a whistleblower about her own experience of sexual assault, reporting, and retaliation. more »
A Victory for Protestors at Standing Rock Reservation: Army Will Not Grant Easement for Dakota Access Pipeline Crossing
Jo-Ellen Darcy said she based her decision on a need to explore alternate routes for the Dakota Access Pipeline crossing. Her office had announced on November 14, 2016 that it was delaying the decision on the easement to allow for discussions with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, whose reservation lies 0.5 miles south of the proposed crossing. Tribal officials have expressed repeated concerns over the risk that a pipeline rupture or spill could pose to its water supply and treaty rights.
The Department of the Army will not approve an easement that would allow the proposed Dakota Access Pipeline to cross under Lake Oahe… more »