Ferida's Wolff's Backyard: Geese Coming Home
Ferida Wolff writes: Today the temperature was in the high 60s but tomorrow it should be in the 30s. Will the geese be as surprised as I am about the variation in the season? Will they be confused about their decision to come back? As the climate warms up, I wonder if the geese migration will change. Perhaps it is inborn and they will continue in their usual pattern or they may adapt and shift when or if they migrate. Nature is always interesting to observe. Meanwhile, Welcome back geese! more »
Ferida Wolff's Backyard: Squirrel On Ice
Ferida Wolff Writes: I know it’s winter and it’s not unexpected but I realize that our outdoor critters are not as lucky as we are to have a warm place to shelter in. I hope that Mother Nature will be kind and help all her critters, even us, have a healthy winter. But we aren’t the only ones affected by the cold weather. Today a squirrel was trying to get a drink on the birdbath but the water was frozen over. (Adding a birdbath to your yard is the easiest way to provide drinking and bathing water for birds.) more »
Ferida Wolff's Backyard: Lots and Lots of Boxelders
Ferida writes: "They aren’t harmful to humans, yet having so many insects meet us at our door is not exactly a welcome greeting. They take winter refuge on boxelder and ash trees, which we don’t have, and maple trees, which we do. So we have started spraying them with diluted dish soap which was suggested instead of pesticides and we’ve noticed a slowing down of their invasion. I hope they will be gone soon." more »
Ferida Wolff's Backyard: Creepy Spider Webs
Ferida Wolff Writes: "Creepy as they may be, spider webs are pretty amazing. They have an artistic quality about them, and a variety of purposes. Not only do they catch insects for food but they provide help for the spider to travel from one place to another, they protect a spider’s dwelling space and also provide safety for an egg sac. Hopefully, not near my garage." more »