Elaine Soloway's Caregiving Series: Green Thumb
When the seed catalogs arrived in the mail, I handed them to Tommy. Instead of snatching them, he pointed to the coffee table. I dropped them there. Later, when I saw him stuff them, unopened, in the straw basket on the side of the couch, I asked, “Too much work?” “Yes” was the nod. I wondered: had the lapses in his brain that ended his speech, also turned his cherished pastime into something too complex. more »
A Pair From Ferida's Backyard: The Nuthatch and the Thrush
Ferida Wolff writes: The Nuthatch is the only bird that regularly starts at the top of the tree (or birdfeeder) and works its way down as it seeks its food. There is an advantage to going downward; the bird is able to see food overlooked by the usual upward direction of other birds. more »
A MoMA Look Back: The Delphiniums of Edward Steichen
"Although Mr. Steichen is widely known for his photography, this is the first time his delphiniums have been given a public showing. They are original varieties, as creatively produced as his photographs. To avoid confusion, it should be noted that the actual delphiniums will be shown in the Museum — not paintings or photographs of them. It will be a 'personal appearance' of the flowers themselves." more »
Roses for a Philosophical Garden
Ferida Wolff writes: What a marvelous philosophical garden we could have if everyone could plant his or her people-supporting ideas within our society. Some of them would not prove viable, no doubt, but some might be just what we need. And it wouldn’t matter which side of the aisle the planter came from because a good idea would grow into something beautiful and benefit all. more »