Forgetful: Poor Forgetful goes around with a puzzled frown on her face, seized as she is by distress over things she can’t remember, like:
Where did I put it?
What did she tell me?
I don’t remember doing that …
What’s his name?
Did I take my lunchtime pills?
She mutters: “I know the answer is down there in the bowels of my brain, but it doesn’t want to float up.” Luckily, the “aha!” moment will float up in the middle of the night, after which, she’ll smile a grateful smile, and sleep soundly until her alarm goes off a few hours later, by which time she’ll have forgotten the answer all over again.
Squinty: Even her reading glasses don’t make it easy to see a splinter or a chin hair.
Lucky: her grandchildren don’t seem to care that she can no longer do a backbend or get down on her replaced knees to play jacks. They love her “for free,” just because she’s there.
And Prince Charming? If he’s still in the picture, he’s busy living with his own senior dwarves. The amazing thing is that the two of them have learned to cope with the situation … well, most of the time, that is.
©2011 Julia Sneden for
Pages: 1 · 2
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