Literature and Poetry
Gifts for Gardeners: Pink Pruning Shears and Book Reviews Reprised
A pair of gardening shears of the bypass type we bought this year are those offered by Saboten and called The Elegance Trio. They also include a trimmer and an anvil type. We chose the ones that are pink, great for small hands and easy to use. Digging Dog and Annie's Annuals are marvelous mail order nurseries with unusual and well-described plants in their catalogs. more »
Curious George Saves the Day: The Art of Margret and H. A. Rey
George’s capers have already been mitigated with some poetic justice, which may be understood as emblematic of the important role the character had played both in saving the Reys’ lives when fleeing Nazi Europe and later helping them rebuild their careers in the United States. more »
CultureWatch, November Edition
Although Addams hoped for independence and a medical school education, graduation from Rockford sent her into the waters of duty, tragedy, and a nervous breakdown. In compelling narrative Knight spells out these events. More critically, she places Jane’s illness in the context 1880s medical and moral thinking including Jane’s belief "that she lacked the goodness of character to be truly self-denying." more »
Sandra Day O’Connor is Passionate About Civics Education
"You might be surprised that I’m promoting civics using online media. I’m not an expert. But even a retired cowgirl like me knows that we need to use these tools to educate if we are going to inspire and interest today’s young people. more »