Literature and Poetry
RMS Titanic Book Reviews: "It is impossible to stand. The music’s sounds are lost in an increasingly thunderous roar ... "
And the Band Played On truly takes up where the drama of Titanic’s loss leaves off. The excellent research tells the tale of a young girl’s love that could not wait for marriage; to a dishonest and avaricious father who might have graced the pages of Charles Dickens; of recognition pitifully sought and cruelly denied; of love and life triumphant over adversity more »
CultureWatch: An Asperger's Puzzle, A Fine New Short Story Author and a Lady Spy Thrills
Nilla Childs has framed Puzzled: 100 pieces of Autism in what she terms the 8 steps to completing a jigsaw puzzle; and learning how to give up "what does not work." Megan Bergman’s fine, fine collection of short stories, Birds of a Lesser Paradise, have both moral profundity and light-hearted humor. If you're looking for the next big page-turner, you've found it in The Expats. Chris Pavone is a dab hand at both mayhem and domesticity, something unusual in the business of flash-and-dash spy novels. more »
“While These Visions Did Appear”: Shakespeare on Canvas
A campus-wide, term-long series of exhibitions, plays, concerts, film, and lectures will celebrate the university’s wealth of resources for the study and enjoyment of the works of William Shakespeare more »
American Masters: Margaret Mitchell and Harper Lee
Though their successes were nearly 30 years apart, Margaret Mitchell and Nelle Harper Lee share much in common: two Southern white women who each won the Pulitzer Prize for their debut novels — Gone With the Wind and To Kill a Mockingbird more »