Art and Museums
Shopping at Santa Monica's Museum of Art
Does Fluffy have dreams of grandeur? A cardboard cityscape scratcher can help her fulfill those dreams by allowing her to reenact her favorite 1950s horror film. From proper revolving door etiquette to learning how to tie a Windsor Knot The Gentleman's Deck will help men become a man of the 21st century. Four sets of blocks to play with: Hebrew, Chinese, Korean and Japanese. And a bird house like no other, the Sylvester Bird Box. A articulated elephant named Hattie performs. more »
Sargent's Watercolors: A Study in Sunlight
Val Castronovo writes: His debt to the Impressionists, his friend Monet in particular, is readily apparent in these sun-drenched, en plein air works that seek to capture particular moments in time. As the curators note, he was drawn to certain themes — "sun on stone, reclining figures tumbled together, patterns of light and shadow." White on white — light as it strikes a house, a sheet, a garment, a marble block or a balustrade. more »
Review: Kristin Nord Takes a Walkabout at Yale's Edwardian Opulence Exhibit
Ah, the Edwardians – with their sumptuous clothes and candelight dinners, their bone china, their silks, their gleaming silver. Merchant and Ivory and the BBC have made fortunes selling fanciful pastiches of this era to the viewing pubic, all the while touching lightly on a less seemly back story. more »
Edwardian Opulence at Yale: 'As If a Viennese Hussar Had Suddenly Burst Into an English Vicarage'
This is the first major international exhibition in more than a generation to survey visual and decorative arts in Britain during the reign of King Edward VII (1901–1910). The exhibition immerses visitors in the sumptuousness of British art and society immediately before World War I, while encouraging them to consider the multifaceted character of the era that fostered such material lavishness. more »