Culture and Arts
If You're Looking For A Link To the Mueller Report, Look No Further
Editor's Note:
We're not downloading the entire Mueller report, but here is the Justice Department URL to read the report at:
Report On the Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Election, Vol I and II; Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller, III
Mueller received the following military awards and decorations:
Exposed: Voyeurism, Surveillance and the Camera Since 1870
Photography has been central to voyeuristic looking since 1871, when the gelatin dry plate was invented;cameras could be secreted in books, clothing, shoes, pistols, or canes. "Detective cameras" were advertised as harmless amusements for amateurs, but the public found them troubling, raising concerns about privacy that remain valid more »
Any Human Heart ... Will More Than Do
Logan Mountstuart's most intense relationships are with a succession of women that he loves, marries, or otherwise gets to know. Read from Chapter One of Louisa Pallant, the Henry James short story from which the program is taken more »
Valentine's Day Apps
I tossed into a Target shopping basket a glittery card, "To My Wonderful Husband, Happy Valentine's Day." Who says romance is dead? That's us, maybe not you. So, as a favor to those who mush about the upcoming holiday, I've gathered some apps to help make hearts flutter more »
Rosalind Cartwright: The Queen of Dreams
I became curious about the difference in the dreams of those who recovered from depression on their own and those who did not. This started me on a series of studies of people going through a particular emotional problem — divorce. After studying 150 people over a period of years, I discovered that dreams have a specific function: In the healthy person, dreams regulate mood. In some depressed people, the dreams are self-correcting over time, but other people need additional help. more »