Literature and Poetry
We'll Always Have Frances, Emma, The Little Prince and Middlemarch
The most treasured present for any occasion in our family is a book. Immediately, the recipient opens it and usually has difficulty going to another gift, so captured by the world that is appearing in their hands. Here are some of our choices for this holiday in books and DVDs more »
"Women Were In It From the Beginning"
"Women were out front as a survival tactic. Men could not function in high-visibility, high-profile roles where we come from, because they would be plucked off ... The white folks didn’t see the women as that much of a threat ... They didn’t know the power of women, especially black women" more »
The Banned Books Advent Calendar
The purpose of the project is to promote public debate. Viewers can have their say on whether the books were banned for a sensible reason. "Books are still being burned, but the focus now is on online censorship" more »
Elizabeth and Her German Garden
I am always happy (out of doors be it understood, for indoors there are servants and furniture) but in quite different ways, and my spring happiness bears no resemblance to my summer or autumn happiness, though it is not more intense, and there were days last winter when I danced for sheer joy out in my frost-bound garden, in spite of my years and children. more »