Rev Up Those Engines: Plan For Motoring/Air Travel Summer Vacations But Energy Uncertainty Is Always a Factor
"The US retail regular gasoline price is forecast to average $1.98/gallon (gal) in 2016 and $2.21/gal in 2017, compared with $2.43/gal in 2015. In January, the average retail regular gasoline price was $1.95/gal, a decrease of 9 cents/gal from December and the first time monthly gasoline prices averaged below $2/gal since March 2009." US Energy Administration, February 9, 2016 more »
Demand-Price Parking: Cities Try $6, $8 Hourly Parking to Cut Congestion, Pollution
Some major cities are seeking to take advantage of their supply and motorists' demand with so-called demand-price parking. Rather than charge a flat rate for each spot in every area of the city, they are demanding motorists pay $4, $6 or up to $8 an hour for a spot on a busy street, close to shops and restaurants, while keeping hourly prices lower on less busy streets just a few blocks over. more »
Escape the Cold: Six Beautiful and Warm Public Lands Getaways Including the Seven Pools of Heaven
Need a break from the snow and cold weather hitting much of the US? Take the chill off of winter and escape to six of America’s beautiful and warm public lands. For instance, visit St. John, Virgin Islands National Park which offers snow-white sand dotted by palm trees, coral reefs, prehistoric sites and Bay Rum Tree forests. Its Trunk Bay is considered one of the most beautiful beaches in the world and features a 225-yard long underwater snorkeling trail. more »
Updated: The Zika Virus Information from the CDC; Science Friday (PRI, NPR) & World Health Organization Convenes Emergency Meeting
Pregnant women with a history of travel to an area with Zika virus transmission and who report two or more symptoms consistent with Zika virus disease (acute onset of fever, maculopapular rash, arthralgia, or conjunctivitis) during or within 2 weeks of travel, or who have ultrasound findings of fetal microcephaly or intracranial calcifications, should be tested for Zika virus infection in consultation with their state or local health department. Testing is not indicated for women without a travel history to an area with Zika virus transmission. more »