Senior Women Web
If You're Looking For A Link To the Mueller Report, Look No Further
Editor's Note:
We're not downloading the entire Mueller report, but here is the Justice Department URL to read the report at:
Report On the Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Election, Vol I and II; Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller, III
Mueller received the following military awards and decorations:
CultureWatch Review: Anna Quindlin's Still Life With Bread Crumbs
Joan L. Cannon reviews: After too many novels whose focus seems (if the reader is honest with herself) to be on the sexual antics and sensations involved with falling and being in love, this is a welcome rendition that allows for how real people after the flush of youth must behave. It seems likely that it would take a writer of Quinlen’s reputation to be allowed to have her two main characters act as they do. You will believe it all, and really root for a happy ending. more »
Senate Subcommittees Holds Hearings on Global Violence Against Women & Campus Sexual Assault
"When universities fail to respond adequately to campus sexual assault, they may be forcing the affected students to attend school in a sexually hostile environment. This environment deprives them of their freedom to go to class without being re-traumatized by a perpetrator sitting a few seats away, walk on campus without being harassed by a perpetrator’s friends, attend a party on-campus, or even feel safe in their own dorm rooms." more »
Just Icing on the Cake, Part Two*
Roberta McReynolds continues her cake decorating saga: Holding the frosting nail in my left hand, I examined the blob with a critical eye, noting it tended to resemble a hunchback slug more than the emergence of a rose bud. I brushed it off into the bowl and tried again. This time I made a giant amoeba, with all the charm one could expect from a protozoon sagging upon a frosting impossible for one of my classmates; her homework for last week was flawless. The… more »
Back to Reunion With Hillary and Madeleine, A Precarious Balancing Act to Be Downsized and Uplifted At the Same Time
Doris O'Brien writes: When the weekend ended, I told myself that the 60th reunion would likely be my swan song, my last hurrah. But who knows? Five years from now I might consent to have my arm twisted, if that body part and others are still intact. Besides, I have a feeling that Hillary and Madeleine would want me to give it the old college try.
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