Meeting Places and Romance
From the CDC: When You've Been Fully Vaccinated You Can ........For the 30,000,000 Who Have Been Vaccinated
March 8, 2021 This message includes updates on the COVID-19 response from CDC. If you are participating in activities outside your home, like an outdoor yoga class or just picking up a few items at the grocery store, be sure to do so safely. Have an extra mask, tissues, and hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol on hand. When considering activities, think about how many people you’ll interact with, if you’ll be able to stay at least 6 feet away from others, if others will be wearing masks, and how long the activity lasts. Outdoors is safer than indoors. Wear a mask; Stay at least 6 feet from others; avoid crowds and poorly ventilated places.
When You’ve Been Full… more »
IGS* Poll: The Troubling Political Dimension of the Coronavirus in California
Only 58% of Republican voters surveyed say they are very or somewhat likely to seek the vaccine, compared to 88% among Democrats and 72% among those with no party affiliation. More than one-third of Republicans — 37% in all — say they are somewhat or very unlikely to seek the vaccine, compared to 8% of Democrats and 22% of those with no party. The poll described the Californians’ attitudes on the pandemic as “highly politicized,” and found that Republicans are more likely to see vaccinations as a matter of personal choice, rather than as a shared responsibility to protect the health of all Californians. “COVID has brought to the forefront a tension between values about the individual and the community,” said IGS co-Director Cristina Mora. But underlying that longstanding partisan disagreement, she said, are racial tensions and even a disagreement about whether the threat of the pandemic is real. more »
US Census Report: Young Adults Living Alone Report Anxiety, Depression During Pandemic
"Adults living alone who reported excellent overall health had lower rates of both anxiety and depression: Only 23% reported symptoms of anxiety and 16% reported symptoms of depression. On the other hand, among adults living alone who reported being in poor health, about two thirds reported symptoms of anxiety and depression (around 65% and not statistically different from each other on both measures). It is important to emphasize that these questions and analysis do not capture causality. In other words, we do not know whether the mental health of those in good overall health was bolstered because of that good health, or whether poor mental health caused people to report lower levels of overall health. It is likely that both are true: mental health influences overall health and vice versa."
America Counts: Stories Behind the Numbers &… more »
Kristin Nord Writes: When Skating Away WAS the Way
Kristin Nord: How I loved my white skates with the turquoise pompoms, and in later years as an adult, the black skates with the Matisse-inspired orange rubber guards for my sharpened blades. There is in my mind’s eye, even now, maybe nothing so nice as tightening up my laces, and setting off for a spin on fresh ice on a pond or a lake. I thought of this recently, listening to Sierra Eagleton’s heartbreaking rendering of the Joni Mitchell classic. I wonder how many of us now, when faced with what we’re expected to believe is a season of good cheer, would, in our heart of hearts, like to skate away? more »