Meeting Places and Romance
The Power of Words
I no longer have a life. Feeding my obsession consumes my every waking minute. The moment I arise in the morning, the unquenchable craving seizes me. I understand why Alec Baldwin allowed himself to be thrown off a flight rather than turn off his I-Pad and terminate a Words game he was playing more »
When Women Are Scarce: Men Become Impulsive, Save Less and Increase Borrowing
"In a male-biased environment, men also expected they would need to spend more in their mating efforts ... We see that there are more men than women in our environment and it automatically changes our desires, our behaviors, and our entire psychology." more »
A Blushing Bride (Again) – at 62
After Dick died, I was certain I would eventually find someone to share my life with again. Ed and I married in 2001 during a four-hour luncheon/bay cruise on a yacht before 80 friends and family. I was a blushing bride at 62. Then we went to Paris for a two-week honeymoon. more »
Rating the Other Person's Attractiveness and Perceived Interest
In a new study that will appear in Psychological Science, men who thought of themselves as attractive overestimated a woman’s desire for them. The more attractive the woman was to the man, the more likely he was to overestimate her interest in him. more »