Moving and Retirement
From the Census Bureau: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2016
The 2016 real median earnings of men ($51,640) and women ($41,554) who worked full- time, year-round were not statistically different from their respective 2015 medians. The female-to-male earnings ratio was 0.805, an increase of 1.1 percent from the 2015 ratio of 0.796. This is the first time the female-to-male earnings ratio has experienced an annual increase since 2007.Between 2015 and 2016, the total number of people with earnings increased by about 1.2 million. In addition, the total number of full-time, year-round workers increased by 2.2 million between 2015 and 2016, suggesting a shift from part-year, part-time work status to full-time, year-round work status. more »
Janet Yellen: Financial Stability a Decade After the Onset of the Crisis
Because of the reforms that strengthened our financial system, and with support from monetary and other policies, credit is available on good terms, and lending has advanced broadly in line with economic activity in recent years, contributing to today's strong economy. At the same time, reforms have boosted the resilience of the financial system. Banks are safer. The risk of runs owing to maturity transformation is reduced. Efforts to enhance the resolvability of systemic firms have promoted market discipline and reduced the problem of too-big-to-fail. And a system is in place to more effectively monitor and address risks that arise outside the regulatory perimeter. Nonetheless, the scope and complexity of financial regulatory reforms demand that policymakers and researchers remain alert to both areas for improvement and unexpected side effects. more »
Elaine Soloway's Rookie Widow and Transplant Series: Public Transit, Treasure Hunt and Coin-Operated Laundry
"Can you get Felix off his screen?" were daughter Jill's first words after her welcoming hug. My six-year-old grandson was prone on the couch, his eyes focused on an electronic pad and his thumbs swiftly pressing buttons. I considered my daughter's challenge as one crucial for me to accept and win. I took a few moments to contemplate their backyard. It held a lemon tree, Ping-Pong table, hammock, outdoor sofa, potted plants, a coiled water hose, and other items I could foresee as props in a game. "How about a treasure hunt?" I said to Felix. more »
A Stanford Faculty Spotlight: Should Retirement Be the End Goal for Individuals Entering the Workforce?
"The idea that you can support a 20-year retirement with 30 years of work is outdated. And can't continue. It's just not sustainable. So as lifespans increase, then if retirements start at the same age, then retirements just get longer and longer. And I think the idea that we can continue to support a longer and longer retirement with — without changing the length of work is unreasonable going forward." more »