Moving and Retirement
IRS: Taxpayers Now Have More Options to Correct, Amend Returns Electronically; Determing the Value of Donated Property
"The Internal Revenue Service announced today that more forms can now be amended electronically. These include people filing corrections to the Form 1040-NR, U.S. Nonresident Alien Income Tax Return and Forms 1040-SS, U.S. Self-Employment Tax Return (Including the Additional Child Tax Credit for Bona Fide Residents of Puerto Rico) and Forms 1040-PR, Self-Employment Tax Return – Puerto Rico." "Taxpayers can also amend their return electronically if there is change to their filing status or to add a dependent who was previously claimed on another return." more »
"Let's start at the beginning" ... Federal Reserve Post About Lessons Learned on Normalizing Monetary Policy: "Additional insight that only experience can bring"
"So, it should not have been a surprise that the policy rate would rise fast in 2022. Rate hikes would need to be larger and more frequent, relative to the 2015-2018 tightening pace, to get back to neutral. Looking back, should the Committee have signaled a steeper rate path once the liftoff criteria had been met? Perhaps another lesson is that giving forward guidance about liftoff should also include forward guidance about the possible path of the policy rate after liftoff." more »
GAO, Unemployment Insurance: Transformation Needed to Address Program Design, Infrastructure, and Integrity Risks
"The Secretary of Labor should develop and execute a transformation plan that meets GAO's high risk criteria for transformation; the plan should outline coordinated and sustained actions to address issues related to providing effective service and mitigating financial risk, including ways to demonstrate improvements. Planned actions may include addressing audit recommendations, and determining whether legislative changes are needed, as appropriate. Planned actions may also include achieving quantifiable results in reducing improper payment rates, including those related to fraud; improving efficiency in claims processing and restoring pre-pandemic payment timeliness levels; better reaching current worker populations; and enhancing equity in benefit distribution." (Recommendation 1, Publicly Released: Jun 07, 2022.) more »
Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau: Further Strengthening Our Gun Control Laws
"Keeping Canadians safe is the Government of Canada’s top priority. We know that one Canadian killed by gun violence is one too many, which is why, two years ago, we banned over 1,500 types of military-style assault firearms. We also strengthened our gun control laws to expand background checks and keep firearms out of the wrong hands. These measures are helping to keep our children and communities safe." The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau ... announced the introduction of new legislation to further strengthen gun control in Canada and keep Canadians safe from gun violence. more »