Shop for Yourself
Shopping at Beyond Wonderland, Decades of Style Patterns and Brook Farm General Store
Three varied sources provide shopping destinations for the home, low-cost and attractive jewelery and accessories, as well as vintage sewing patterns. We found Beyond Wonderland at the Maker Faire in San Mateo. more »
Shopping for Gifts and Yourself: Cartographic Art
Put aside ideas for an oversize, expensive bag, backpack or briefcase; we've found a good looking, authentic alternative: a cartographic more »
Shopping in the UK; The Carrier Company
Owner Tina Guillory works from her 17th century house making such products as the traditional Norfolk Slop, a windproof sailcloth smock; popular with painters, gardeners and woodworkers. more »
The NRDC asks: How Green Are Your Jeans? We Ask Do You Use Them for Insulation?
The average woman has eight pairs in her closet. Chances are that to make those jeans, cotton crops were drenched in pesticides; fibers were stained with toxic dyes ... more »