Sports and Fitness
Health, United States, 2020-2021: Annual Perspective; Focus of This Issue is On Health Disparities by Sex, Race, Ethnicity and Socioeconomic Status
Topics in the 2020-2021 Report:
Heart disease by race and ethnicity;
Cancer by race and ethnicity;
HIV and STDs by race and ethnicity;
Health insurance and access by race and ethnicity;
Hospital use by health insurance coverage;
Oral health by poverty level;
Substance use by education level;
Risk factors and mortality by sex. more »
Ferida Wolff Writes: Our Senses
"I am delighted by the gentle feel of the buds on the plants starting to open their flowers. And I can almost taste the mint that grows automatically in my tiny vegetable garden. But I discovered that we might have more senses than we know. We are attuned to our world in many ways. We interact even when we aren’t aware that we’re doing it. Perhaps if we understand that we are connected with everything, we will be more careful with how we live." more »
GAO Report, K-12 Education: Department of Education Should Provide Information on Equity and Safety in School Dress Codes
"While school districts often cite safety as the reason for having a dress code, many dress codes include elements that may make the school environment less equitable and safe for students. For example, an estimated 60 percent of dress codes have rules involving measuring students' bodies and clothing—which may involve adults touching students. Consequently, students, particularly girls, may feel less safe at school, according to a range of stakeholders GAO interviewed. According to GAO's nationally generalizable review of public school dress codes, districts more frequently restrict items typically worn by girls—such as skirts, tank tops, and leggings—than those typically worn by boys—such as muscle shirts. Most dress codes also contain rules about students' hair, hair styles, and head coverings, which may disproportionately impact Black students and those of certain religions and cultures, according to researchers and district officials." more »
Findings Suggest COVID-19 Rebound Not Caused by Impaired Immune Response: Robust Cellular Immune Response to Residual Viral RNA?
"Larger, more detailed epidemiologic studies are needed to further understand the clinical importance and epidemiologic consequences of COVID-19 rebound, the authors write. The authors note that the current data support the need for isolation in symptomatic rebound persons and the need to evaluate, in a clinical trial, longer courses of Paxlovid in immunocompromised individuals where the immune response may be ineffective." more »