The geese were flying back
from their warmer winter places,
honking as they flew over our house,
speaking goose talk as they guided each other
through the winds and the clouds.
The vee was long and announced
how many birds were returning home.
Spring brings such interesting things
for us to see. I wonder
what the geese are observing
as they watch our human packs
below them.
A V formation is a symmetric V- or chevron-shaped flight formation. In nature, it occurs among geese, swans, ducks, and other migratory birds, improving their energy efficiency, while in human aviation, it is used mostly in military aviation, air shows, and occasionally commercial aviation.
Flying in the V formation likely improves energy efficiency. Usually, large birds fly in this formation since smaller birds create more complex wind currents that are hard for the back members to take advantage of.[1] V formations also improve the fuel efficiency of aircraft.