Culture Watch
If You're Looking For A Link To the Mueller Report, Look No Further
Editor's Note:
We're not downloading the entire Mueller report, but here is the Justice Department URL to read the report at:
Report On the Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Election, Vol I and II; Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller, III
Mueller received the following military awards and decorations:
Attorney General Merrick Garland Testifies: Seventeen Federal Agencies Recognize Decade of Federal Progress Addressing Elder Abuse
"Research shows that at least one in 10 older adults who live in the community experiences some form of maltreatment each year — and this is likely an undercount, because only one in 14 cases is reported. People who experience abuse have higher rates of depression, hospitalization, and institutionalization — and they are more likely to die prematurely. They also may experience deteriorated family relationships, diminished autonomy, and institutionalization as the direct result of maltreatment." more »
Jo Freeman Writes: The 2024 Libertarian National Convention as Seen Through Feminist Eyes
Jo Freeman Writes: "I saw few female faces in the delegate ballroom. From counting faces, I estimated that women were only 20 percent of the delegates. A couple women sitting behind credentialing tables said they thought it was closer to 30 percent. Unlike the two major parties, the LP does not require half women or any other percentage among its delegates. That doesn’t mean the LP is afraid of female leadership. Angela McArdle was elected to another two-year term as Chairperson of the LP and Caryn Ann Harlos was re-elected as Secretary. All the speakers were male. McArdle and Harlos were the only two women I saw on a stage." more »
Jo Freeman Writes: Kennedy vs. Trump at the Libertarian National Convention
"Despite an unappealing raspy voice, (Robert F.) Kennedy made an appealing speech to libertarians. He had clearly identified those issues on which he and libertarians agreed, without saying that he was a libertarian. He also said he would go after both Trump and Biden, but spent 90 percent of his time going after Trump. He worked his way through the Constitution, starting with the first ten amendments, aka the Bill of Rights, interpreting each in libertarian language, while identifying Trump actions to the contrary. For this, Kennedy mostly got applause. There was one “Free Palestine” shout from the audience, but that was pretty much it." more »
Jo Freeman On Silent Cavalry: How Union Soldiers from Alabama Helped Sherman Burn Atlanta and Then Got Written Out of History by Howell Raines
Jo Freeman Writes: This book is about Raines’ effort to put together a jigsaw puzzle about Union sentiment in Alabama, beginning with his family. Raised in Birmingham, Raines’ ancestral roots are in Winston County in NW Alabama, famous for the legend of the Free State of Winston. According to the legend, a mass meeting was held at Looney’s Tavern in Winston County to decide how to respond to Alabama’s vote to secede from the Union. (pp.121-2) Those present passed a resolution that no state can legally get out of the Union, but if it could, then a county could cease to be a part of the state. Winston County didn’t set up its own independent government; it just asked to be left alone because its citizens didn’t want “to shoot at their neighbors ... or the flag of Washington, Jefferson and Jackson.” more »