Culture and Arts
If You're Looking For A Link To the Mueller Report, Look No Further
Editor's Note:
We're not downloading the entire Mueller report, but here is the Justice Department URL to read the report at:
Report On the Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Election, Vol I and II; Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller, III
Mueller received the following military awards and decorations:
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National Institutes of Health: A Lancet Study Published Highlights Orphanhood as An Urgent and Overlooked Consequence of the Pandemic
More than 1.5 million children around the world are estimated to have lost at least one parent, custodial grandparent, or grandparent who lived with them due to death related to COVID-19 during the first 14 months of the pandemic, according to a study published in The Lancet. “Studies like this play a crucial role in illuminating the COVID-19 pandemic’s long-lasting consequences for families and the future mental health and wellbeing of children across the globe,” said NIDA Director Nora D. Volkow, M.D. “Though the trauma a child experiences after the loss of a parent or caregiver can be devastating, there are evidence-based interventions that can prevent further adverse consequences, such as substance use, and we must ensure that children have access to these interventions.” more »
Above-Normal Activity Predicted for This Hurricane Season: Warmer-than-average Temperatures in Tropical Atlantic Ocean & Caribbean Sea; Weaker Tropical Atlantic Trade Winds; An Enhanced West African Monsoon
n 2020, there were 30 named storms, of which 14 became hurricanes, including seven major hurricanes last year. Major hurricanes are known to carry winds of 111 mph and higher. The season was so active we ran out of the alphabetical list of names and had to borrow some from the Greek alphabet. This year, however, the Greek alphabet will no longer be used partly due to difficulty translating in different languages. Instead, any extra storms will be named through a supplemental names list from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Several factors contributed to NOAA’s prediction for an above-normal hurricane season. Among them: predicted warmer-than-average temperatures in the Tropical Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea; weaker tropical Atlantic trade winds; and an enhanced west African monsoon. more »
US Surgeon General Vivek Dr. Murthy Issues Advisory During COVID-19 Vaccination Push Warning American Public About Threat of Health Misinformation
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Americans have been exposed to a wide range of misinformation about masks and social distancing, treatments, and vaccines. As of late May, 67% of unvaccinated adults exit disclaimer icon had heard at least one COVID-19 vaccine myth and either believed it to be true or were not sure of its veracity. Health misinformation has already caused significant harm exit disclaimer icon, dividing families and communities and undermining vaccination efforts. An analysis of millions of social media posts exit disclaimer icon found that false news stories were 70 percent more likely to be shared than true stories. And a recent study exit disclaimer icon showed that even brief exposure to misinformation made people less likely to want a COVID-19 vaccine. more »
Rose Madeline Mula Writes: How Come ... ?
Rose Madeline Mula Writes: Why does my computer crash only when I’m behind deadline on an important project and not when I’m playing solitaire — especially since I spend much more time playing games than working. And can wine connoisseurs really detect undertones of leather, tea, oak, and dozens of other essences and aromas? When they describe a certain vintage as having “a good nose” or “legs,” are they putting me on? And when they toss out adjectives like “assertive,” “attractive,” “graceful,” and “elegant,” are they really describing the wine or the waitress pouring it? If haste makes waste, how come he who hesitates is lost? And why should we keep our noses to the grindstone if all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy? No wonder I’m an insomniac. How can I get to sleep when I keep trying to solve life’s little puzzles—like… How come the label on my sleeping pills warns, “May cause drowsiness”? Isn’t that the point? more »