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Jo Freeman Archives

Current Jo Freeman Articles


Beijing Plus Five: Reviewing Women's Progress Part 1 and Part 2
Will a Woman Be a Running Mate?
Women, Women Everywhere: Does It Make a Difference?
Where Have All the Women Gone?
Political Wives and Widows
In Honor of Great Women
Two Lives, Two Deaths
The Myth of the Older, Richer Woman
Laura Bush and Ellie Smeal: Together at Last
Political Wives As Candidates: Wave of the Future or Relics from the Past?
Seen at the Show: TechXNY/PC Expo 2002
Solutions for Computer Stress

Christian Coalition Boosts Israel
The Feminist Ghost at the Conservative Political Action Conference
The March for Women's Lives
A Mother's Day Million Mom March: Will the Assault Weapons Ban be Renewed?
Blogging the Democrats
The Republicans vs. Anybody But Bush; New York City's Two Conventions
Women's Protests at the 2005 Inaugural
Choosing a Vice Chairman & Sexual Equality at the DNC
Protests were peaceful at Spring IMF meetings
No Nukes March, Mayors for Peace and the NPT
NOW President Kim Gandy Blasts Democrats
Fences, Fences Everywhere, on Pentagon "Freedom Walk"
The Capitol's Weekend of Protests
Is there Life after 50 at Digital Life?
Viewing Rosa Parks
Unions Big Presence at NYC Anti-War March
Code Pink Hosts Pajama Party in Front of the White House on Mother's Day
Overwhelmed by Books
Protesting Hillary at Progressive Conference
A Tribute to Coretta Scott King
Going Green is Good — And Profitable
Sex, Race and Religion at the Conservative Political Action Conference
On the Fourth Anniversary of the Iraq Invasion Left and Right Agree: Get Out Now
Democratic Candidates Court Progressives
Priming the Progressives
Count Every Vote or Play by the Rules? That was the question at the DNC’s Rules and Bylaws Committee meeting
This is an historic election. Let's celebrate it
The Polling Place Grinch: Election Day, 2008
Going Green, Going Strong
Six years since the invasion of Iraq and still protesting
Obama Inspires Republicans
Gay Republicans Plan Their Future
Now that We’ve Taken Back America, What Do We Do With It?
Green Homes and Hemp
The Libertarian Invasion of the 2010 Conservative Political Action Conference
Protesting Progressives
Did Labor Lose When Blanche Lincoln Won? Not Exactly
Why Men Shouldn't Vote
A Top Gear Show Candidate? Ford Goes Green
The 2010 Election: What Does it Mean for Women?
How Did Labor Do in the 2010 Election?
GOP Introduces Four Anti-Abortion Bills Into Congress; Other Women's Issues At Risk
2011 Conservation Political Action Conference Flaunts Its Youth
On the 8th Anniversary of the Iraq Invasion — Just Another Day in the Park
A Connoisseur Reviews and Critiques White House Protests
Libyan Conflict Erupts On Pennsylvania Avenue
To Submit or Not to Submit? Was the Right Question
Week of Activities Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Begins in DC
The "most notorious liar in the country" Gets a Memorial on the Mall
Dr. King Was Only One of Many Martyrs
Women Were the Foundation of the Civil Rights Movement
Progressives Talk Politics, and Protest Politicians

Ron Paul Retreats from CPAC
Occupy at CPAC
Occupy AIPAC

From the 2008 St. Paul Republican Convention
First Impressions of the Republican Convention; Protests and Parties
Sarah Palin: A Risky Move and a Gift to the Women's Movement
Marching to the RNC; The message of many obscured by the sporadic violence of few
Outside and Inside The Big Tent
Goodbye, Republicans

From the 2008 Denver Democratic Convention:
Recreate 68? —  A Protesters' Pipe Dream
At the Convention: Diversity In Play in the Caucuses
What Do (Democratic) Women Want? Hillary....   and Obama
A Sad Ending to an Historic Campaign? And A Look Behind the Scenes at the Democratic Convention
The End of the Dream? Thoughts on the Finale of the Democratic Convention

Inaugural Articles:

Inauguration Journal: Sunday
Inaugural Journal: Monday Was Martin Luther King Day; It was a good day to protest, even if there wasn't anything to protest about
Inaugural Journal, Monday, Part II, Waiting to Party
Inaugural Journal, Tuesday: Touring the Outskirts
Inaugural Flashbacks

Culture Watch: Review of Isabella Greenway: An Enterprising Woman
CultureWatch: Solidarity's Secret: The women who defeated Communism in Poland: Fear, boredom, dedication and sacrifices of women who created the underground that kept Solidarity in the public eye when other leaders were in jail
Sandra Day O'Connor: Justice in the Balance
Women in Congress 1917–2006
Belva Lockwood: The Woman Who Would Be President
Russia's Revolution: Essays, 1989-2006
Red and Blue Nation? Characteristics and Causes of America's Polarized Politics
Where Women Run: Gender & Party in the American States
Alice Roosevelt Longworth, from White House Princess to Washington Power Broker
Bella Abzug: How One Tough Broad from the Bronx Fought Jim Crow and Joe McCarthy, Pissed Off Jimmy Carter, Battled for the Rights of Women and Workers, Rallied Against War and for the Planet, and Shook up Politics Along the Way
America's Child: a woman's journey through the radical sixties and Flying Close to the Sun: My Life and Times as a Weatherman
Democracy Restored: A History of the Georgia State Capitol
Band of Sisters: American Women at War in Iraq
The Age of Impeachment: American Constitutional Culture since 1960
500 Years of Chicana Women's History
Black Americans in Congress 1870–2007
Red, Blue, and Purple America: The Future of Election Demographics
Women Making America
The Wrong Side of Murder Creek: A White Southerner in the Freedom Movement
We Had Sneakers, They Had Guns: The Kids Who Fought for Civil Rights in Mississippi
Bloody Lowndes: Civil Rights and Black Power in Alabama’s Black Belt
A Volume of Friendship: The Letters of Eleanor Roosevelt and Isabella Greenway 1904-1953
The Education of a Black Radical: A Southern Civil Rights Activist’s Journey 1959-1964
Diary of an Inner City Teacher
Alabama Machiavelli, a Review of Stealth Reconstruction: An Untold Story of Racial Politics in Recent Southern History
The Women’s Movement Inside and Outside the State
Mother Jones: Raising Cain and Consciousness
Alice Paul and the Battle for the Ballot
Ellen and Edith: Woodrow Wilson's first ladies
Reconstituting Whiteness: The Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission
You Came Here to Die, Didn't You?
A Strange Stirring: The Feminine Mystique and American Women at the Dawn of the 1960s
She Was One of Us: Eleanor Roosevelt and the American Worker
Elly Peterson: "Mother" of the Moderates
My Summer Vacation 1965
Hands on the Freedom Plow: Personal Accounts by Women in SNCC

Film Review: Battle in Seattle


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