News and Issues
If You're Looking For A Link To the Mueller Report, Look No Further
Editor's Note:
We're not downloading the entire Mueller report, but here is the Justice Department URL to read the report at:
Report On the Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Election, Vol I and II; Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller, III
Mueller received the following military awards and decorations:
Lifelong Pursuits: Hooked on Bridge
Joan L. Cannon writes: If I don’t play once a week, I miss it. If it happens that I play three times, I don’t even mind the apparent waste of time. I learn something every time I sit down at a card table. The trouble is, I can’t retain it all, so there’s always a sense of renewal and salubrious reminders of proper humility. I’ve seen Life Masters make mistakes, and that’s an encouragement. more »
The Real Women Behind the 'Binders': MassGAP
Prior to the 2002 election, women comprised approximately 30 percent of appointed senior-level positions in Massachusetts government. By 2004, 42 percent of the new appointments made by the Romney administration were women. Subsequently, however, from 2004-2006 the percentage of newly-appointed women in these senior appointed positions dropped to 25 percent more »
Can Women Save Japan? Needed more career positions & better support for working mothers. Sound familiar?
Raising womens' participation could provide an important boost to growth, but they face two hurdles in participating in the workforce in Japan. First, few working women start out in career-track positions, and second, many women drop out of the workforce following childbirth.
Summary: Japan's potential growth rate is steadily falling with the aging of its population. This paper explores the extent to which raising female labor participation can help slow this t… more »
New Insights Into How Genetic Differences Among Individuals Influence Breast Cancer Risk from Low-Dose Radiation
"This raises the possibility that we can use gene expression profiles to develop simple tests that screen for women who may be sensitive to low-dose radiation versus women who are resistant.” more »