Updated: Presidio Discovery, Tunnel Tops, San Francisco - When Nancy Pelosi Isn't Gavelling In the House of Representatives She Cares For the Bay Area
Friday, Nov 22, 2019
This was a big moment for The Presidio, and presenters talked about the impact this new parkland will have on our parks and our community. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said, "This is something quite spectacular and it takes us to a new level of park example for the rest of the country, new level of beauty, new level of inspiration, but most importantly, a new level of involving new people.” City Librarian Michal Lambert also shared, "This unique destination will afford our community a place to be inspired and connect with nature, but also serve as a safe and inclusive space for youth and families to explore and to experience nature-based education opportunities.”
Below, I-YEL Intern, Dylan Nepomuceno and his mother pose with Speaker Pelosi at the Presidio Tunnel Tops ground-making celebration. Photo by Paul Myers/Parks Conservancy
The Tunnel Tops design will feature reclaimed wood from the park and we’re planting 100,000 native plants in the area, helping to make it a biodiversity hotspot in the park. We’re excited to move forward on this project with our partners at the Golden Gate Parks Conservancy, Golden Gate National Recreation Area, and James Corner Field Operations.
Learn more about the Tunnel Tops Project >>

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