Meeting Places and Romance
Successful Aging and Sexual Satisfaction Remains Positive in Older Women
"While we cannot assess cause and effect from this study, these results suggest that maintaining a high level of sexual satisfaction may positively reinforce other psychological aspects of successful aging.” more »
The Guest at the Feeder, Accompanied by Finches; Participate in the Next Great Backyard Bird Count
As the weather cools down the crowd on the feeders heats up. Often the feeders are packed with finches and sparrows but Redbird Cardinals are regular visitors and the brilliant red of the male cardinal is like a beacon on the bare branches. more »
New Year's Peeve
Am I glad I didn’t live in Babylonia four thousand years ago. There the New Year celebration lasted eleven days. By the eleventh day, the Babylonians must have had prodigious hangovers. That’s not for me. It would mean missing all those great post-holiday sales. more »
The Trek Ahead: From the Ariège Pyrénées to Mongolia
Larry told me he had bought the little house I had fallen in love with, was putting his on the market, adding that we could move to France for good the following April. Now, race forward seven years and I, while enjoying it all; the weather, the lunches, the dinners, the endless festivals, had begun to feel like a slug. more »