Meeting Places and Romance
Forever Valentine: Surviving the Slings and Arrows of Early Wedlock
"What are the major sources of conflict in a typical marriage? Communication. Wives often feel they’re emotionally alone in the relationship and husbands feel that their wives think they can’t do anything right. The other big point of disagreement is how to raise the children. There are crisis events, such as tension over finances or betrayals, but those are more scattered, more temporary." more »
Couples, the Internet, and Social Media
From a new Pew report - Tech as a source of tension: 25% of cell phone owners in a marriage or partnership have felt their spouse or partner was distracted by their cell phone when they were together. 8% of internet users in a committed relationship have had an argument with their spouse or partner about the amount of time one of them was spending online. 4% of internet users in a committed relationship have gotten upset at something that they found out their spouse or partner was doing online. more »
Tackling Spats Over Disliked Facebook Posts
From Mumbai to Menlo Park, Facebook is swamped with complaints about "inappropriate" posts, each of which must be manually reviewed by an employee. Yet rather than take down the offending content, the social network has tapped the emotional intelligence of UC Berkeley psychologists, among other top minds, to resolve disputes over posts that don’t clearly violate the company's community standards. more »
A New Report and a Quiz, Online Dating: What's Your View?
Compared with eight years ago, online daters in 2013 are more likely to actually go out on dates with the people they meet on these sites. Some 66% of online daters have gone on a date with someone they met through an online dating site or app, up from 43% of online daters who had done so when we first asked this question in 2005. Moving beyond dates, one quarter of online daters (23%) say that they themselves have entered into a marriage or long-term relationship with someone they met through a dating site or app. more »