Moving and Retirement
HUD Sued For Illegal Reverse Mortgage Foreclosure Actions
"The case will have broad national implications, because the outcome will determine whether spouses will be able to stay in homes that are now “underwater” as a result of the housing downturn, a possibility that reverse mortgage borrowers have always paid insurance premiums to protect against." more »
CRR: Do Parents Live It Up When Children Fly the Coop?
Parents maintain household-level and increase per-capita consumption when their children leave home. These findings challenge the idea that parents will automatically save more for retirement when their children are independent, indicating that more households are at risk of an unsatisfactory retirement. more »
I'm Going to Get Organized One of These Days
My friend Jane could teach PhD classes in minimalism. You can actually walk into Jane’s closets — and they’re not walk-in closets. Once she asked if I had an extra postage stamp. I tried to give her two. "No" she said, "I need only one right now."I suggested she might have something else to mail in a couple of days. "Then I’ll go to the post office, I don’t want the clutter" more »
EPI Economic Snapshot: Income Inequality; It wasn't always this way
In recent decades, the bulk of income growth in America has gone to the top 10% of families, but that was not always the case. Throughout most of the 20th Century, the bottom 90% claimed a much larger share of income growth than they have in recent years. more »