Home Fires, Season Two and the Future of the Series
Although the second season of PBS' Masterpiece's Home Fires is just about to begin tonight in the United States, the press release below reveals that additional seasons would not follow this Season Two, although a series of books are planned starting this summer:

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We have some very exciting news....*drumroll*.....
That's right folks we can finally reveal that our beloved Home Fires has a new lease of life, this time in an exciting new book format. Thanks to the fabulous new partnership between Simon Block, writer and creator of Home Fires and the lovely folk over at Bonnier Zaffre publishing we will be able to continue our journey with the wonderful women of Great Paxford. Much like the wartime adage 'Loose lips sink ships' Kerryn and myself have been sworn to secrecy up until this point, but are both supremely happy we can now shout it from the rooftops and share the news with our fellow homies.
A little under a year ago we all felt utterly bereft at the sudden cancellation of our show and in the months that followed a real community of passionate and witty campaigners was born. Just one look around this website shows all the incredible things we've achieved together and this really is the icing on the cake! Each and every one of you have played a massive part in getting us to where we are now and we can't thank you enough. Finally we can all now look forward to having some of those questions answered, Who survived that shocking cliffhanger? Will Pat reunite with Marek? Will Bob face karmic justice? and What's going to happen to the Barden's factory? I know we'll have lots of fun discussing the stories as they unfold, and I for one can't wait to see what wonderful writing Simon has in store for us next!
So how will this all work I hear you ask ... for this I'm going to hand you over to the official press release from Bonnier Zaffre...
The story of the women of Great Paxford Women’s Institute continues with Bonnier Zaffre! Publishing Director, Eleanor Dryden has acquired three books from creator of smash-hit ITV series Home Fires, S. Block. UK and Comm rights were acquired in a spirited auction from Gordon Wise at Curtis Brown, in association with ITV. The first of the three novels – Keep the Home Fires Burning – will pick up from the jaw-dropping finale of the second series (aired May 16 2016) and propel readers – series fans and newcomers alike – through the heartrending stories of the women of Great Paxford as they live through WW2 on the home front.
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