Channel Islands National Park
Channel Islands National Park is close to the California mainland, yet worlds apart. The park encompasses five islands and their surrounding one mile of the ocean, offering a wide variety of recreational opportunities — from hiking and camping to kayaking and sea lion watching. World-renowned kelp forests, sea caves and coves await the adventurous swimmer, snorkeler and diver.
Channel Island's Park Dive Officer, Kelly Moore, with a spiny lobster that thrives under the protection of the Marine Sanctuary. Photo by Brett Seymour, NPS
Baldwin County, Alabama
Tired of cold weather and mounds of snow? Then head to the pristine white sand beaches in Baldwin County, Alabama, where you'll find six small beachfront tracts made almost entirely of quartz grains washed down from the Appalachian Mountains thousands of years ago. This area provides access to recreation activities on the Gulf of Mexico and its many beaches. With winter daily average temperatures in the 60’s, these beaches make the bucket list if you wish to trade snow drifts for sand dunes, seagulls singing, and waves crashing. And, if you're lucky, you might get to observe sea turtle nesting.
Two baby sea turtles make their way from the nest to the ocean. Photo Bureau of Land Management
Haleakala National Park
Haleakala National Park on Hawaii's Maui island is a special place with stark volcanic landscapes and a subtropical rain forest. You can watch the sunrise above the clouds at Haleakala Summit, or come for sunset and stick around for some of the best stargazing in the world. A visit to the park isn’t complete without a hike to Oheo Gulch in the parks Kipahulu District. Also called
The Seven Pools of Heaven after a recent rain. Photo by Devon Schweizer (
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