Changing the Face of Medicine
Donald A.B. Lindberg, M.D., director of the National Library of Medicine, and Tenley Albright, M.D. invited distinguished individuals in the medical community to participate in an Ad Hoc Advisory Group and to nominate exemplary physicians for inclusion in Changing the Face of Medicine, an exhibition that celebrates the lives and achievements of America's women physicians.
Over the last 150 years, thousands of women have pursued a medical degree, have practiced medicine, conducted research, and lived full and rich lives. Their stories and their careers inspire each succeeding generation of women as they open doors, make new discoveries, and change the face of medicine.
It would be impossible to recognize the achievements and contributions of every women physician. We hope that by examining this exhibition, you will consider the woman physicians here as examples of the fuller fabric of women's contributions to medicine and their personal achievements in society.
If you know of a woman physician who you think should be part of this project, we invite you to "Share Your Story", on the exhibition Web site and at the exhibition's Activity Zone.
- Discover the many ways that women have influenced and enhanced the practice of medicine. The individuals featured here provide an intriguing glimpse of the broader community of women doctors who are making a difference. The National Library of Medicine is pleased to present this exhibition honoring the lives and accomplishments of these women in the hope of inspiring a new generation of medical pioneers.
- Find out all you need to know to plan your visit to the exhibition including.
- Perform your own customized database search to learn about the woman physicians featured in this exhibition.
- Review medical career Web sites, print classroom lesson plans and view an extensive bibliographies.
- Check out these online interactive activities that use games and learning modules to bring issues of science and medicine to life. The Activities require the use of Macromedia Flash Player. Click the link to download Marcomedia Flash Player or view the text-only version.
- Circulation Station: Flash Activity | Text Only
- The Doctor Is In: Flash Activity | Text Only
- Sickle Cell Anemia: Flash Activity | Text Only
- A Closer Look at Chromosomes: Flash Activity | Text Only
- Post your story about a woman physician who you think should be part of this project and read stories that others have submitted.
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