Bill Would Require Independent Study of X-Ray Body Scanners
The peer-reviewed study, to be submitted to Congress, would evaluate the safety mechanisms on the machine and determine whether there are any biological signs of cellular damage caused by the scans. more »
MIT's Agnes Suit, An Instrumented Aware Car and the Miss Daisy Driving Simulator
These tools can be used to trigger driver feedback systems that are under development. Sensing systems include: six video cameras for operator monitoring, measures of vehicle velocity, lane position, radar; driver physiology issues includes heart rate, respiration rate and eye tracking more »
US Government Glossed Over Cancer Concerns As It Rolled Out Airport X-Ray Scanners
"The airport X-ray scanners have escaped the oversight required for X-ray machines used in doctors’ offices and hospitals. The reason is that the scanners do not have a medical purpose, so the FDA cannot subject them to the rigorous evaluation it applies to medical devices" more »
Expedited Entry and Screening While Traveling
We used our Global Entry RFID-enabled card for expedited entry for the first time: "Enrolled users must present their machine-readable Passport or permanent residency card and submit their fingerprints to establish identity. Users then complete a computerized Customs Declaration, and are issued a receipt ... more »