Meeting Places and Romance
Exploring Relationships and Social Networks: Marriage Satisfaction and Divorce
"This study explores the relationship between using social networks sites (SNS), marriage satisfaction and divorce rates using survey data of married individuals and state-level data from the United States. Results show that using SNS is negatively correlated with marriage quality and happiness, and positively correlated with experiencing a troubled relationship and thinking about divorce. These correlations hold after a variety of economic, demographic, and psychological variables related to marriage well-being are taken into account." more »
Lady in Red: Perhaps Adjust Your Wardrobe and Alert Chris de Burgh To Re-release His Song
"Recent research suggests that red is an aphrodisiac for men viewing women. Men viewing women on a red background or in red clothing find them more attractive and sexually desirable, intend to spend more money on them, and choose to sit closer to them." One experiment situation: "Imagine that you (are interested in casual sex with a guy. You) decide to join a dating website because you have heard that it is a good way to find a guy (for this type of relationship). The website allows you to post one picture, and you decide to take a picture of yourself using your cell phone." more »
Back to Reunion With Hillary and Madeleine, A Precarious Balancing Act to Be Downsized and Uplifted At the Same Time
Doris O'Brien writes: When the weekend ended, I told myself that the 60th reunion would likely be my swan song, my last hurrah. But who knows? Five years from now I might consent to have my arm twisted, if that body part and others are still intact. Besides, I have a feeling that Hillary and Madeleine would want me to give it the old college try.
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Free To Be ... Discovering Just How
Adrienne G. Cannon writes: I can look at my monthly calendar and plan trips that accommodate only my schedule. I don’t have to worry about matching up my dates with any one else's. And there is no reason not to make travel plans one month after another. My friends will say, "You travel a lot!" And I can smile with pleasure and not feel guilty because somebody is waiting for me at home. Yet this scenario is poignant as I return to my empty apartment. more »