Meeting Places and Romance
Elaine Soloway's Rookie Widow Series: Homeward Bound, A Swell Party and Body Type
This is what I miss, from my marriage, from my husband. The toe-to-toe enveloping, the hug. Tommy was low maintenance, helpful around the house, had interests that matched mine, and most importantly, thought I walked on water. I told my daughter, "I'm not ready to date, and I can't imagine sharing my new life with anyone, but I miss spooning. It's a bedtime perk I pine for." more »
Karli Cerankowski is Shedding Light On An Under-studied and Misunderstood Facet of Human Sexuality: Asexuality
Drawing from her research into the growth of asexual communities and queer studies, Stanford lecturer Karli Cerankowski is shedding light on an under-studied and misunderstood facet of human sexuality: asexuality. However, much as homosexuality was once consistently pathologized by the public, the asexual community faces similar contention. more »
Post-Valentine's Day: The 36 questions that are reported to spark intimacy
In the nearly 50 years that Arthur and Elaine Aron have studied love, they have developed three dozen questions to create closeness in a lab setting. Such as: Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest? Would you like to be famous? In what way? Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say? Why? What would constitute a "perfect" day for you? When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else? more »
Brought to You From The FBI: Online Dating Scams
In a recently reported dating extortion scam, victims usually met someone on an online dating site and then were asked to move the conversation to a particular social networking site, where the talk often turned intimate. Victims were later sent a link to a website where those conversations were posted, along with photos, their phone numbers, and claims that they were 'cheaters.' In order to have that information removed, victims were told they could make a $99 payment — but there is no indication that the other side of the bargain was upheld. more »