News and Issues
If You're Looking For A Link To the Mueller Report, Look No Further
Editor's Note:
We're not downloading the entire Mueller report, but here is the Justice Department URL to read the report at:
Report On the Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Election, Vol I and II; Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller, III
Mueller received the following military awards and decorations:
New Proposed Cosmetic Law and a Shopper's Guide
The Secretary shall require that any manufacturer, distributor, or marketer of a cosmetic or ingredient (including a fragrance or preservative) make available to any entity purchasing the cosmetic or ingredient (excluding an individual who is a consumer and who is purchasing the cosmetic or ingredient for personal use) all available information in the possession or control of the manufacturer, distributor, or marketer described in paragraph (1), within 90 days of receipt of the request from such entity. more »
FAQs for Seniors on Health Care Reform
A Harris poll entitled "Straight Talk" reveals that only 17% of seniors knew the correct answers to more than half the factual questions posed about these key aspects of new health reform law and only 9% knew the correct answers to at least two-thirds of the questions. more »
FDA Panel Wants Tougher Restrictions on Opioids; Painkiller abuse matches illegal drug abuse
An FDA advisory committee voted 25-10 to reject the agency's proposed plan to prevent inappropriate prescribing, misuse, and abuse of extended-release opioid painkillers, saying the plan lacks the teeth to stem the "public health crisis" of opioid addiction, overdose, and death.". more »
The GAO Testifies About Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Tests
Perhaps most disturbing, one company told a donor that an above average risk prediction for breast cancer meant she was "in the high risk of pretty much getting" the disease, a statement that experts found to be "horrifying" because it implies the test is diagnostic. more »