Sports and Fitness
Weighing My Options and Exercising Choices: My Cirque du Soleil Moment
Roberta McReynolds writes: A sluggish metabolism and aging body have teamed up to make my commitment to lose weight a painfully slow process. The fact that my husband and I decided enough is enough at the same time has undoubtedly been the best avenue to success. We’ve teamed up and Mike has lost 27 pounds while I lost 23 this year. more »
Harvard School of Public Health Research: Some HDL, or "Good" Cholesterol, May Not Protect Against Heart Disease
A new study has found that a subclass of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, the so-called “good” cholesterol, may not protect against coronary heart disease (CHD) and in fact may be harmful. more »
Diary of a Would-Be Athlete
Rose Madeline Mula writes: "I just joined a spinning class for seniors (spinning wool, that is); I’ve become a surfing enthusiast (TV channels and the Internet); I cycle every day (actually, recycle); and last week during a trip to Vermont, I participated in chair lifting — not lifting chairs, but riding in one up a mountainside." more »
Life Expectancy and the Long Hot Summer
New research from Harvard School of Public Health suggests that seemingly small changes in summer temperature swings — as little as 1°C more than usual—may shorten life expectancy for elderly people with chronic medical conditions, and could result in thousands of additional deaths each year more »