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Medals of Dishonour is a British Museum exhibit that displays the reverse of the tradition of celebration and tribute. "Medals are best known for celebrating important figures or heroic deeds, but this unique exhibition features medals that condemn their…
Come to think of it, though fast-paced and sometimes incomprehensible, I think I can embrace my life these days with pleasure. And modern woman that I am, I should start looking ahead at more changes that are sure to come. I am already contemplating what I will request for my next birthday — an IPhone or satellite radio reception in my car?
'Your peacock is finished" wrote C.R. Ashbee, the architect and designer, to his wife Janet in 1900. He is at the present moment pinned on my coat and is preening his tail.'
There's something about dressing desserts in vintage wedding-cake figures, pink heart-shaped cake-stand wrappers and candy corn towels that makes me want to quickly get my baking utensils and appliances out of mothballs.
I was thirty years old when I took my first trip to Europe, and I did so with reluctance and misgivings.I had never had any desire whatsoever to roam. I’m not sure why. Fear wasn’t stopping me. The word “terrorist” wasn’t yet part of the travel vocabulary in that innocent age, and the thought of flying intrigued rather than intimidated me.
sex is one of the sort of dicey ones from an emotional point of view. These are difficult issues because sex is, by definition, an intimate part of our lives, and it matters a lot. Moreover, sex is fraught with moral implications.
"Yet there is no requirement for any clinical training in geriatrics, even though patients 65 and older account for 32 percent of the average doctor’s workload in surgical care and 43 percent in medical specialty care, and they make up 48 percent of all inpatient hospital days."
The Economic Policy Institute's Economic Snapshot for July 1, 2009 concerns employment: Mass layoffs at highest level since at least 1995, by Anna Turner and John Irons.
Mass layoffs — job cuts of 50 or more people by a single employer — are at th…
She would smooth it gently with her hands and then press her hand to her nostrils. Perhaps she was inhaling the trace of her mother’s scent; perhaps she was simply remembering the feel of that slender body.
Bridgetower put the moves on a waitress whom Beethoven had noticed and proclaimed as being a cut above the other serving wenches. Bridgetower made a silly bet that he could get her “to lift her skirt,” and succeeded in arranging an assignation later in the evening/
Bridgetower put the moves on a waitress whom Beethoven had noticed and proclaimed as being a cut above the other serving wenches. Bridgetower made a silly bet that he could get her “to lift her skirt,” and succeeded in arranging an assignation later in the evening/
Couple by couple, family by family, gay men and lesbian women are settling down together and parenting children. And countless numbers, like our own daughter, want nothing more than to stop just living together and assume the rights and responsibilities of a legal marriage.
An Arts & Crafts destination provides fabric, wallpaper, cushions, metalwork, tiles and hardware. We liked the Voysey voile, MTV liked the wallpaper
The painting’s provenance has been a matter of debate for hundreds of years. Ascanio Condivi, writes that the master’s first painted work was a depiction of Saint Anthony being riven by monsters, a painting in imitation of a 15th century German engraving by Martin Schongauer, a facsimile of which hangs alongside the exhibit’s main attraction.
"Another patient had stopped a diuretic she used with a blood-pressure medication, just because she didn't like the side effect of more urination during the day," he said. "When she came in, her blood pressure was over 200."
"At the South any voter who owns five slaves equals politically three northern gentlemen like myself, who feel no whit inferior to the best of their chivalry though he own a thousand slaves"
‘You and more than 900 of your sisters have shown you can fly wingtip to wingtip with your brothers. I salute you . . . We of the Army Air Force are proud of you. We will never forget our debt to you.’
Editor's Note: Recently, The New York Times ran an article on Ray Bradbury and his lifelong enthusiasm for "halls of books." We thought that peg enough of a reason to reprise an article by a departed and enthusiastic supporter of, Jean Po…
"at an open-air market in Ghana, where hard drives from the United States and elsewhere are being resold, sometimes to criminal gangs who mine them for credit card data, Social Security numbers and other identifying information"
A locket's miniature bears the inscription, Nelson For Ever Huzza; the back of an ivory brooch bears the name and date 'Emma Hamilton 1803'; and King George V in 1882 is given a dragon tattoo in Japan
Joan L. Cannon writes: Have you noticed the upswing in the numbers of books on how to live well, richly, generously, spiritually, fulfilled ... and on and on? I wouldn't dare to presume to know what would be useful for strangers. I'd make a terrible miss…
Yet, although the inside clearly counts, a plethora of empirical research has demonstrated that when it comes to income, attractiveness makes a difference too.
Brice Marden informs about his painting, Cold Mountain, the NYPL highlights its Art Deco Paul Poiret fashion images and Paul Law lectures on The Abundant Childhood: Nature, Creativity & Health
"The VA recently reported that within 10 years, women are expected to become 10 percent of the VA’s patient population. Women are seeking VA health care at a faster rate than their male counterparts. Women who are seen at the VA today are also younger and of child-bearing age. These statistics beg the question: Is the VA ready?"
"If you receive information on your breast cancer risk and share it with others, you might also be sharing information about your daughter’s risk for breast cancer — even though she never consented to have that information shared."