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"The proportion of Americans who are currently married has been diminishing for decades and is lower than it has been in at least half a century."
Off the Page, a review from the Scout Report, Computer Science Department, University of Wisconsin; Sponsored by University of Wisconsin - Madison Libraries.
Listening to poets is always enjoyable, and this collection of poetry readings is quite a pip.…
"The greatest threat looms over millions of low income seniors with significant amounts of home equity. While some of these homeowners genuinely need access to their built-up equity, that need can make them especially vulnerable to bad advice from brokers and loan officers out to put the most money in their own pockets, and in the coffers of lenders and investors."
"Daybook provides information on the events happening on and off Capitol Hill. Search for events, get a daily customizable email alert on what’s happening that day, and easily add events directly to your own calendar."
Her work concerns collective decisions and voluntary cooperation. In laboratory experiments, she studies when and how human beings cooperate. As a formal theorist, she has contributed essential insights to our understanding of collective action and collective choice. She has also collaborated with and advised nonprofit organizations in many countries as they address practical issues.
The different types of women presented in this exhibition demonstrate not only a nationally evolving ideal of beauty, but also a concentrated effort on the part of publishers, advertisers, and the artists themselves to develop an easily identifiable, aesthetically pleasing product. Men were also charmed by these images.
But the remarkable thing about siblings is that no matter how tangential the relationship, there is always a core memory of shared childhood. It is indestructible. If you’re lucky, that core is made of love and respect. Ours was, even when we didn’t agree on things. And boy, did we disagree on things. There really wasn’t much chance for sibling rivalry in our household, because we were just so different from each other.
Bertha von Suttner went to work at once on a novel whose heroine suffers all the horrors of war; the wars involved were those of the author's own day on which she did careful research. The effect of Die Waffen nieder [Lay Down Your Arms], published late in 1889, was consequently so real and the implied indictment of militarism so telling that the impact made on the reading public was tremendous.
We have highlighted exceptional women whose contributions to the advancement of science deserve to transcend anonymity and occupy a place in history. We have tried to give visibility and to value the contributions of women astronomers from different epochs and countries.
Herta Müller, the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature "who, with the concentration of poetry and the frankness of prose, depicts the landscape of the dispossessed" joins the 11 women who have won the prize previously
National data reveal that foot and toe symptoms are among the top 20 reasons for physician office visits among patients ages 65-74 years
Sure, it's unsettling to find out your ex is now more wrinkled, chubby or bald — or a different sexual orientation — than you remember. But it isn't the worst thing that can happen.You could discover they hate you.
A witness to her planting method for Lilium giganteum (now called Cardiocrinum giganteum) bulbs once deemed [Gertrude] Jekyll a sorceress. On that day, having dug a sizable hole and added some leaf mold and sand, the famed gardener also tossed in a freshly killed rabbit. Then she counseled, "Now, always seat the bulbs clockwise," a task she accomplished with a firm rightward twist before filling in the hole with topsoil. Four months later, she apparently had lilies just a hare under five feet tall.
We do both enjoy travel and have taken many trips together. I prefer a fixed itinerary. Not Sally, of course. She abhors being tied to a particular schedule. And while I much prefer to fly to a destination more than a few hundred miles away, Sally would rather drive — again, the schedule phobia, and also because her car has a huge trunk which she can pack with every article of clothing she has owned since college and still have room for all the treasures she’ll buy along the way.
People 65 and older are the least likely to be infected with 2009 H1N1 flu, but, if they become infected, they are more likely than people in some other groups to develop serious complications from their illness. That is why people 65 years and older are prioritized for treatment with antiviral drugs this season if they do become sick.
We can attest to the popularity of the Ball of Whacks and the X-Ball which we purchased at another Museum store; it's been very popular with grandchildren as well as adults. The puzzle calendar is interactive, free standing and movable.
"We've been following one battalion there. Shortly before they began their current operation in Helmand province, one Marine wrote a letter to his grandmother. Lance Corporal Charles Sharp wrote that soon he'd be fighting in a mission his grandchildren would learn about in history class. Well, just days after he mailed that letter, Sharp died in battle, the first Marine killed in the offensive."
"When it comes to child sex abuse, the world is divided into two groups: the adults who are taking action to end this scourge, and the adults who protect the abusers. Sadly, many of the power players of Hollywood -- with all of its money, power, and access to the media – fall into the latter category."
"Open the paper gates of the cemetery and step into a darkly droll world of stylish and sinister characters strolling the moonlit grounds of a graveyard. For each day in October, open a die-cut window and read a story about this macabre cast of the recently deceased."
"The nature of the combat in Operation IRAQI FREEDOM (OIF) in 2006 and 2007 made working at the CSH a fairly dangerous endeavor. Historically, a CSH was a relatively safe place to serve, but this tour was different. We had our first casualty after being in Baghdad for just a few days."
The National Safety Council, a national nonprofit that focuses on traffic and workplace safety and emergency preparedness, now calls for a ban on the use of all cell phones and other messaging devices while driving.
"The goat is the gift of an admiral at Annapolis, who sent it to her after he read accounts that the brutal Bosnian Serb general Ratko Mladic had apparently named one of his goats after the then U.N. ambassador. In 1994, when reports circulated in the Iraqi press calling Albright a serpent, she decided to wear the snake pin -- in lieu of a name tag -- when meeting with Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz."
Tales of girls and women who have broken barriers and have fought to change their situations and their environment ... real and fictional [characters who] follow their dreams and pursue their goals, challenging cultural and familial stereotypes.”
In my experience, the best skin care product to exfoliate and soften feet is Glytone Heel and Elbow Cream. (Available from your dermatologist or on some professional skin care product web sites like
This webpage offers a list of nursing homes that (a) have had a history of serious quality issues and (b) are included in a special program to stimulate improvements in their quality of care. Please take a minute to review this background information on our “Special Focus Facility” initiative. The background here will help you be as informed as possible when you discuss your long term care options with any nursing home that is listed here – and what they are doing to improve their quality of care.