Literature and Poetry
Culture Watch Book Reviews: My Beloved World and Consider the Fork
Reviewer Jill Norgren writes that Justice Sotomayor has said that she wrote My Beloved World because being a role model “is the most valuable thing I can do.” It is to her credit that the memoir is, like the justice, unpretentious and welcoming to readers of all ages. Reviewer Julia Sneden declares the depth of the research for Consider the Fork mind-boggling, but Be Wilson's style is simple, direct, and leavened with wry humor; calling her just “a food writer” would be a bit like calling Yo Yo Ma “a guy who plays the cello.” more »
My Quarter-Century Daily Destination, Grand Central Terminal, Celebrates 100 Years
Editor's Note: Aside from my own home and the Time-Life Building across from Radio City Music Hall, Grand Central Station was the building I spent time in, going to and from my job It was familiar, imposing, welcoming and in the last analysis, spectacularly beautiful. It is said that more than 21,600,000 annual vistors come to the terminal making it the 6th most popular tourist destination in the world. more »
Shakespeare Uncovered on Television: Drawing on historical sources and developing dramatic ideas from politics of the day
In a unique series of six films debuting on PBS, the series combines history, biography, iconic performances, new analysis, and the passions of its hosts, actors Ethan Hawke, Jeremy Irons, Derek Jacobi, Trevor Nunn, Joely Richardson, and David Tennant. more »
CultureWatch — The Patriarch: The Remarkable Life and Turbulent Times of Joseph P. Kennedy; The Mysteries and International Negotiating of Midsomer Murders and Kidnap and Ransom
Reviewed by Jill Norgren: David Nasaw does not ask his readers to like Joe Kennedy. He does not hold back on the damning stories of deceit and unbridled ambition. He does, however, appear utterly convinced that Kennedy doted on his children — beyond needing them to fulfill his ambitions, and that they returned his love. Joe Kennedy “had pledged to faithfully love and support [Rose] and the children they might have together …. What he did not intend to do was give up being a ‘ladies man’.” And he did not. more »